Monday, December 9, 2013

Weird Hitler Pic

Weird Hitler Pic

The Farrell Hamann Show
Out by Noon video Productions 
Farrell Hamann Fine Art/Writing
Sacramento, California

"Hang higher than a Hamann" Family Motto. 


@farrellhamann on Twitter

A short, cute love story about an old King who finally finds his Queen. By Farrell Hamann

The Farrell Hamann Show: Stop being so damn passive! 

Very charming romance video starring daughter, Taterbug, and Dave on Vimeo 

The Farrell Hamann Show:
Mr. Skull Bobblehead (Walmart Spooky Greeter) sings
Hitler has only got one ball!! (a musical genius) 

 Lapdog, owned politicians. Stop ALEC and the Koch brothers
Time to worm the dog

No fans? Hah, just make your own!!

Trying to learn this photo editor. Having rough time..

Gut need soothing? Try some raw beets, it helps. Worked for the wife.